
Here at Meet the Neighbors, we seek to bridge the gap between “them” and “us”.  We do this by telling stories which highlight the unique experiences of extra-ordinary people, just like you—not to say that you are super-duper ordinary, more like you bring extra to the ordinary—whether it’s extra humble, extra helpful, extra hilarious, or on occasion, extra bat-sh*t crazy. With each story, we celebrate the individual, and simultaneously find the universal connection.

So, grab a cup of coffee, diet coke, tea, a glass of wine, or whatever you fancy, and take a journey with us.  Peak into the life of a Facebook community page admin, as she is accused of being a communist.  Come explore the generational story of a family advocate, as she strives to heal her people.  Learn one surprisingly simple method to navigate your loved one’s dementia, with a professor in speech pathology. Go underground with a DJ, where the lights flash, the music is loud, and your body must move.

We hope these tales spark your imagination and inspire you to see life in a new light and to gain a deeper understanding.  If nothing else, we hope they will help you consider your own story and share it.  And to ask your neighbors about theirs.


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